
Lea (24)
Lea gaf extra kleur en pit aan het Vormingscentrum van Destelheide.
Lea (24)

Lea (24)


5 maanden

Lea komt uit Servië en zocht haar buitenlandavontuur in België. Dankzij de subsidies voor Europees Vrijwilligerswerk werden haar vervoersonkosten, haar verblijf en zelfs zakgeld om te leven betaald. De onbetaalbare ervaring, die kreeg ze er gratis bovenop. Vijf maanden lang gaf Lea extra kleur en pit aan het Vormingscentrum van Destelheide. Ze hielp bij de communicatie van kunstprojecten, kreeg de kans om verschillende workshops te volgen, wisselde kennis en vriendschap uit met andere vrijwilligers en inspireerde ze de bezoekers van het vormingscentrum uit binnen- en buitenland.

Een onvergetelijk avontuur waar ze heel graag over vertelt.

Destelheide, Dworp. I had no idea where I was heading to, but I had a feeling it is a good place for me. And I wasn’t wrong, at all. Art, youngsters, summer schools and academies, new people, different people, artists, actors, musicians, learning, meeting, creating, workshops, what else could you wish for? From day one the main accent was putted on the learning experience.

Twee meisjes

With my background in acting, I’d like to become a trainer of workshops myself and Destelheide provided me so many opportunities for it.

My first big experience was this class in Summer Academy: Theatre of the senses. In Jean-Maries atelier we learned how to create a poetical space in which performer becomes an inhabitant and the audience a traveler and the character of her or his own story. Jean-Marie is one of the most impressive people I have ever met, alongside all the other participants who were there with me, creating and giving everything to make a whole new universe in one week.

Not long after, I could participate in the international Youth Exchange in Destelheide. Here I was not only a participant, I also got the opportunity to give a drama workshop myself and to be a host to the Serbian group, planning their day here and  entertaining them with games and sightseeing.


These two projects are definitely what left the biggest mark on my EVS time here, not only as a participant, trainer and youth-leader, but also as a person.

Beside these and some smaller projects where I would participate or take photos, I had a great time in the office with my co-workers! The accent there was on my photoshop- and video-editing-skills, which have  envolved to a really nice level. Since I am still in school, I am really grateful for the time my co-workers gave me to follow up on school projects – writing drama’s essays, preparing my role for the next semester.

Destelheide is heartwarming place. From the moment I get up and walk on the domain there are always these beautiful employees who can never stop smiling at you and say “good morning” or “ca va?” In the office, kitchen, bar,… just anywhere in this beautiful environment, I feel like I am well taken care of. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of this amazing team and I would wish a Volunteer experience like this to anyone!

Thank you Destelheide for making me feel at home.

Ook interesse in subsidies voor vrijwilligerswerk? Bekijk de site van het European Solidarity Corps of kom naar een infosessie.

Of ga naar meer info over vrijwilligerswerk.

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